RELiON RB100-LT Battery System Provides Reliable Power in Extreme Colorado Cold

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Jason Bucholtz was no stranger to the extreme cold temperatures he encountered in his new home in Colorado, but he had never before had to find a way to deliver reliable power in below freezing temperatures to a remote cabin miles from the nearest utility connection. In addition to his permanent residence in Denver, Jason owns a rustic cabin about an hour west of Denver on the outskirts of the secluded, densely forested, three hundred person town of Empire, Colorado. Jason’s cabin is so remote that he relies on a snow vehicle just to reach his property, particularly as the nearby logging roads are not maintained.

Marine Battery Group Size Guide

For this blog, we explain how to navigate replacing batteries in your boat. We cover marine BCI battery group sizes, types of marine batteries, and several common marine battery configurations. Have questions about marine battery group sizes? We have answers! Continue reading to learn more.

Professional Bass Fisherman Uses RELiON Lithium Batteries for Success on The Water

Matt Peters started fishing local club events at age 13. His passion for being on the water stuck with him through his 20s as he fished the co-angler side of the FLW tournaments. Now, competing for fun, Matt has won two tournaments so far in 2020 along with the title of Angler of The Year at the Classic Bass Champions Tour Championship. Read more about Matt's experience on the water and how RELiON batteries help him fish all day.

What You Need to Know When Upgrading Your Sailboat to Lithium

Ready to set sail on your next adventure? Before you go, consider making the switch to lithium. In this week's blog, we explain everything you need to know when upgrading your sailboat to lithium batteries - from adaptability to cost. Read more to get started on your upgrade!

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