2 Modern Products To Equip With Lithium-ion Batteries

Posted January 13, 2016

2 Modern Products Engineers Should Equip With Lithium-ion BatteriesWhen you engineer your own product, your choice in battery is one of the most important decisions you make. While product design and manufacturing are certainly vital stages, your power source is the heart of your application.

What should you look for in a battery solution? Some of the most critical features are high efficiency, fast charging time and light weight. Meeting all of these requirements, lithium is the standout choice.

While lithium-ion batteries improve nearly any application, engineers of the following two products should consider including lithium battery sales as part of their product offering:

1. Electric Golf Trolleys

Lightweight batteries are essential for applications that must carry heavy loads. Your electric golf trolley or caddy is much slower when it has to carry a full set of golf clubs in addition to a heavy lead acid battery. Lighter lithium-ion batteries reduce wear and tear on your trolley.

You must also carefully consider your application’s battery efficiency. Electric golf trolleys need high levels of energy to power all of their available features. After all, many golfers use their electric caddies for more than just carrying their clubs.

Lithium batteries offer a higher usable battery capacity compared to lead acid batteries. So, your application is able to run energy-consuming features such as:

  • Remote control functionality
  • Motors that alter speed and direction
  • Timers
  • Clocks
  • Digital screens
  • Charging ports for phones and GPS devices
  • Electronic braking systems

The highest-performing electric golf trolleys are featured in product reviews on industry websites. Lithium-ion batteries are frequently recommended in these reviews and by the manufacturer.

2. e-Bikes

The quality of your e-Bike’s battery is not just important for performance, but also for your customers’ comfort. Customers don’t want to carry around extra weight when they ride their e-Bike. They want it to feel like a regular bicycle. Unfortunately, lead acid batteries give your e-Bike the feel of a heavy motorcycle.

Convenience is another important factor to your e-Bike’s success. Your customers may rely on their e-Bike as a primary form of transportation. When they have to get to an appointment or meet a friend 15 miles away, customers can’t afford to spend extra time charging their e-Bike. Lithium-ion batteries have a lower resistance than their lead acid alternatives, which greatly reduces charging time.

Experts often recommend e-Bike batteries that offer:

  • Power
  • Safety features
  • A high value
  • A long life span
  • Consistent energy

In creating your application, you’ve already given consideration to cost, quality, performance, reliability and product features. From the design stage through development and manufacturing, you’ve put in a great deal of effort to optimize your product.

Choosing lithium-ion batteries for your application complements the efforts you have already made. Lithium is a high-quality, dependable battery solution that improves product performance and offers the greatest long-term value.