Is Your Lithium Power Source Right-Sized?

Posted April 27, 2015

Relion-Blog-Is-Your-Lithium-Power-Source-Right-Sized.jpg#asset:1324Lithium batteries offer serious advantages over traditional, lead acid alternatives. But actually purchasing your new power supply is only part of the process. For your battery to perform at its best, it needs to be the right type of battery and properly sized for your application.

Not sure how to size your power supply and charger? Here are some important considerations to make as you research your options:

What Kind Of Battery Do You Need?

Are you looking for a lithium battery that provides a big burst of power in a short timespan, or one that provides a steady stream over a long period of time?

Starter batteries, also called lighting or ignition batteries, are used to kick-start applications by delivering high power quickly. Conversely, deep cycle batteries are intended for multiple, extended charge/discharge cycles (the period it takes to charge and discharge the battery once).

You must understand your application’s needs in order to select the right battery type. For example, if you’re looking for a lithium battery to fire up your watercraft, starter is the right choice. If you need to power the watercraft’s on-board lights or other electronics, choose deep cycle.

A third option, the dual-purpose battery, provides a hybrid approach capable of rapid power but able to withstand the long-term, deep discharges that wear down starter batteries. Dual-purpose solutions come with a tradeoff, however, as they typically feature lower storage capacity, limiting the total power stored and as a result, the range of suitable applications.

Also think about purchasing a intelligent battery. Intelligent batteries communicate with laptops and other applications using user interfaces, allowing you to track battery life and performance.

What Size?

Once you’ve selected the right battery type, you’re ready to ensure proper size. Your new lithium battery will feature a storage capacity measured in amp hours, defined as the total amount of energy that a battery can deliver for 20 hours at a constant rate of discharge. Larger batteries typically feature larger storage capacity, with lithium offering more space efficiency than lead acid.

Different applications, such as motor engines, necessitate smaller or larger sizes based on several factors. Review your application’s specifications carefully to determine how large your battery should be.

To learn more about how to calculate your energy needs and find the optimal battery for your application and usage, visit our Lithium Battery Selector Tool.

What Kind Of Charger Is Right?

Just as important as choosing the right battery type and size is choosing the right charger.

Different chargers restore battery power at different rates, so make sure you select one that fits your needs. For example, if your battery’s size gives you 100 amp hours and you purchase a 20-amp charger, your battery will charge in just over 5 hours (you typically want to add a little extra time to ensure optimal charge).

If you need an application charged quickly, consider investing in a larger, faster charger. However, if you’re looking for a low charge over a long period, a compact charger works fine. When you need to keep your vehicle or watercraft battery charged in the off-season to avoid degradation, a low capacity charger is the right fit. But if you’re restoring a trolling motor battery, you want a higher capacity charger.

Who Can Help?

There are plenty of other considerations when it comes to choosing the right lithium battery and charger, such as waterproofing, climate and input voltage. Consider working with a knowledgeable lithium battery provider to walk you through the research and selection process. Providers also help with battery customization, further optimizing your chosen product.

An experienced provider understands your applications and needs to guide you towards the best solution possible. Don’t hesitate to ask plenty of questions about your provider’s experience with your situation; the best providers act as partners, not vendors.

When it comes to your power supply, don’t make a trigger purchase and end up dead in the water. Understand the market and work with a skilled lithium provider to ensure future success and a smooth experience.

Want more information on harnessing the power of lithium for your battery needs? Contact us.