3 Reasons Using A Lead Acid Battery Hurts Customer Satisfaction

Posted November 04, 2015

Relion-Blog-3-Reasons-Using-A-Lead-Acid-Battery-Hurts-Customer-Satisfaction.jpg#asset:881Vehicles and applications that require battery power are expected to run longer, stronger and faster in today’s market. Consumers frequently put too much stress on applications that use lead acid batteries, which often leads to premature battery failure.

Engineers are able to prevent their products’ batteries from failing by installing a healthier battery as the “heart” of an application. Lithium-ion batteries are the smart choice.

However, many products still reach the market with lead acid batteries as their power source. The following drawbacks explain why lead acid batteries hurt customer satisfaction:

1. Slow Charge Rates Limit Operational Time

The recommended charging rate for a lead acid battery is typically around 10% of the rated capacity. Charging at a higher rate heats the battery to extreme temperatures, which is detrimental to battery life.

A slow charge rate is important for many end users to consider because this factor limits an application’s operational time. In order to gain runtime, an additional battery or a larger battery is needed.

2. Insufficient Run Time Causes Frustration

Due to its internal resistance, a lead acid battery’s usable capacity is often 50-65 percent of the rated capacity. For example, a 12V 100AH lead acid battery only offers a true usable battery capacity of 50AH-65AH in a full discharge cycle, depending on the discharge load.

As the battery ages, usable battery capacity decreases. Batteries must be oversized to maintain their expected run time in the long term, which is rarely possible due to each application’s specifications. Otherwise, lead acid batteries must be replaced well before they have expensed their capable cycle life.

Insufficient run time leads to unexpected costs and frustration for the consumer or end user, resulting in a high rate of customer dissatisfaction.

3. High Maintenance Demands Are Overwhelming

There are many reasons a battery may need replacement before its expected end of life. Temperature extremes, depth of discharge and improper or inadequate battery charging are all factors in premature battery failure.

To ensure a longer battery life, lead acid batteries must be constantly monitored and cared for. The required testing and maintenance demands are too labor intensive for most customers. Additionally, battery maintenance costs time and money that many consumers are unable to afford.

When it comes to lead acid batteries, maintenance is an absolute necessity. Otherwise, customers will need frequent battery replacements.

For most applications, the battery is an afterthought. Battery choices are usually not considered until late in the building process. In order to match and surpass the expectations of customers, the right battery needs to be at the forefront of design considerations.